Returning to home after hot and adventurous summer doesn’t seem as hard when we remember that there are so many interesting series

The 25-year-old actress and singer, who became especially popular with her role in the HBO series Euphoria, is an active supporter of

Here are 12 athletes who spoke publicly about their identities in 2021: Brian Ruby – a 25-year-old baseball player “When I was

Ever since 5 provinces in Poland declared themselves as LGBT-free zones, EU has threatened the Polish government with suspending the financial aid

Jojo Siwa will be the first in the history of American Dancing with the stars to compete with a female partner in

A period of self-exploration that started with love I was 11 years old when unlike peer girls I fell in love with

For a Finnish graphic designer and illustrator Jirka Väätäinen Walt Disney’s amazing world turned out to be truly inspirational. The queer artist

I am Dadu, the most non-standard person according to the criterions of Georgia – I am queer, I belong to an ethnic

The Scottish government issued new guidance last week advising teachers on how to proactively create an accepting and safe learning environment for

I am Amanda, a transgender woman. Forced sex worker and artist. Childhood, grandmother and family As a child I was very cowardly