“I am attending the March of Honor because it is important for each of us to be there – it’s time to fight for each other.
It is essential for the queer community to go outside, only online campaigns aren’t enough to increase solidarity. Society needs to see that they exist outside of the online space, next to them. We need to come out publicly and talk about all the problems that exist.
All this wouldn’t be needed if society was accepting. If the court and police properly protected the rights of every citizen. In addition, every person needs to feel part of society. The queer community must establish its place in society and gain the rights it does not have – the public space is mine, yours, ours, everyone and everyone has the right to be a part of it. It is time to get used to the fact that there are many different people in the world and we should not discriminate against each other on any grounds.
For me Pride means – fight against injustice. Standing together, fighting for each other, freedom, acceptance, helping each other. If Pride was a person, they would be the kindest, most generous, the most loving, the most curious, the most colorful, and the most loving person – like one of those people who hugs you and you feel like you are at home, safe, and someone loves you.
Pride unites all people and it is not just a celebration of the queer community – it is for everyone. It is for all the people who can show solidarity and stand by someone else. Everyone should have the opportunity to love someone, be accepted without wanting to change them. In many cases, just accepting ourselves is not enough – the world does not revolve around us alone, and many things do not depend on us alone.
Discrimination is a problem for everyone. Today, if someone is bullied for being a member of a stony community, tomorrow they will be bullied for being disabled, the day after for being a woman, and so on. There are many oppressed groups in our society. We should unite each other’s problems, we have a lot to change in the country, first of all, formal laws that protect no one and in case of their violation, no one is punished.
Don’t say it’s not time for Pride, we have a lot of problems in the country. This exactly is the time for Pride and for fighting against those problems. “