Ultra-right, homophobic platform “Alt-Info” was recognized by the Communications Commission as an offender. In the statement published by the Commission we read:
” The Communications Commission has recognized Alt Info TV as a violator due to obscene programs. The case concerns the programs “Alt-Interview” and “Alt-Analytica” aired on July 5, 6, 7 and 12 in the “Alt Info” broadcast network. In these programs, obscene language was often used by both the presenters and the invited guests, and obscenity was repeated.
The Communications Commission has examined the legality of the broadcasts of the programs and considered that the programs broadcast by Alt Info contained statements that contradicted the ethical norms of the society, had no socio-political, cultural, educational and scientific value and could not be justified in any context. The vocabulary used in Alt Info programs violates human dignity and fundamental rights, thus violating Georgian legislation by the broadcaster. Due to the fact that obscene expressions were placed in the socio-political program, the rights of the audience for whom were violated. It is unacceptable and especially disturbing to watch and listen to obscene programs.
At the same time, according to the law, the placement of obscenities in public-political programs contradicts the rights of the adult and juvenile audiences of the broadcaster.
When discussing obscenity, the Communications Commission takes a uniform approach to broadcasters. In the practice process, the commission aims to set standards, not sanction them. The Communications Commission tries not to impose fines on broadcasters until the standard is established, but to detect violations if any. Fixing the violation is the most important step for the society and the media to properly grasp the principles of the law and enforce it. In accordance with the existing practice and uniform approach, the Communications Commission recognized “Alt Info” as a violator due to the violation of the law and released them from responsibility. “